Hypnosis for pain management is not a newly invented therapy or clinical application, but in fact has been employed with great success for more than two centuries. The use of hypnosis as a tool for relieving pain is not experimental it is in fact tried, true, and proven. This book focuses on your role in being your own healer and looks at ways to improve your relationship with yourself. It will help you explore a wide range of self-hypnosis techniques for helping you to improve your ability to cope with and manage discomfort so that you can live more comfortably.
You will learn how to
•Use self-hypnosis to relieve your pain
•Tap into your own innate ability to control pain
•Choose the method of self-hypnosis best suited to you
•Interrupt your body's chronic pain loop
•Use a variety of powerful tools to reduce or eliminate your pain
When you've had pain that hasn't responded to treatment for a long time, it's natural to become disillusioned and expect nothing to work. This book provides a fresh look at the problem of managing persistent, physical pain using the tool of self-hypnosis, and this new approach comes from an experienced hypnosis clinician and clinical psychologist who is a pain sufferer himself.
Includes a free audio CD designed to expand and improve your ability to control and cope with pain.
Price $24.95