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Discover the Art of Presentation in the IACT 5-Day "Train-the-Trainer" Master Trainer Certification Program designed to give you ALL the tools you need to conduct hypnosis certification courses. Get real "hands-on" trainer's training where you'll learn to integrate the proven methods modeled by great presenters that will make your courses powerful and effective as you prepare the next generation of hypnotists to carry on this life-changing work.
• Gain confidence as you develop your training style
• Learn to "think on your feet" by responding efficiently to situations
• Become skilled at demonstrating and explaining hypnosis effectively
• Create valuable learning experiences and exercises for your students as they become skillful hypnotists and prepare to embark on a new career
• Use the latest audio/video technology and even gain knowledge to offer training online
• Receive a newly revised and expanded comprehensive curriculum to reflect the latest developments in the field. *We keep this material updated for all CMTs and will send any revisions that we make in the future.

There is simply no other program like this!

POWERFUL ONGOING SUPPORT - As a CMT, you'll have access to a community of trainers and resources to help you. Enjoy the support of a complete curriculum in basic and advanced methods, including a Basic/Advanced Student Manual and a Basic/Advanced Trainer Manual with Presentation Skills, and access to an exclusive library of presentations, demonstrations of new techniques and processes to keep you up to speed, along with video and audio files. Join regularly scheduled online meetings and a private FaceBook group to network, find out what's new, share tips, ask questions, support one another, and stay connected.

YOUR TRAINER - MICHAEL WATSON is a creative and innovative trainer of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and NLP with over 40 years of experience. An IACT Educator of the Year and a Diplomate of IMDHA, he is a frequent presenter at conferences and workshops at home and abroad. And he is COMMITTED to your success.


Registration closes Friday (11/6/23) at 4:30 PM EST.

Training Price $1795.00